Sunday, July 5, 2009

Samurai Commander w/ Naginata

I've spent way too much time painting my last two mounted samurai. I coverted this one to wield a naginata薙刀 as the naginata is basically a katana type blade with an elongated spear like shaft. Seems to me that BAW doesn't have rules for a naginata so I'll just have to use it as a spear or as a normal samurai katana, or make up some house rules for it. I converted 2 of my mounted samurai to wield the naginata. Not sure if I'll convert more or not.

Also, I play tested the game a little with my friend the other day. We had a good time running though the basic combat system and my friend really enjoyed the AP (action point) system for units. We only played a small game, around 4 units per side, not even enough to really get the feel for a large battle, but it did give us a feel for the rules. This system only has me worry in one respective... will it be too random in larger battles? With the pre-battle re-arrangement, the AP system (rolling a D6 for each unit to see how many AP they get) and Generals issuing motivation checks per unit (basically a moral check from Warhammer) per turn, I wonder if it will get too random. On the same token, I really think that this game plays smoothly and was a blast to play with our little skirmishing troops. The AP system really keeps you on your toes and gives you a reason to plan your motivation checks in order not to leave the rest of your army in the dust. I can't wait to play another game! In the mean time, paint paint paint!
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