Monday, June 29, 2009

Mounted Samurai w/ yari by Peter Pig

I started painting late last night. I spent a few hours thinking as to how I wanted to paint the entire army and then I remembered that I'm painting samurai and, for the most part, they didn't all wear armor of the same color. For this mounted samurai with Yari (spear) I went with enchanted blue with a purple wash. It didn't come out as I wanted. The next one I try will be with Iced Blue (sky blue) with the purple wash followed by a quick highlight and a gloss varnish. I hope this will work better for making blue armor.

I think I will base my army off of Uesugi Kenshin. Ultimately, I still need to do some research on Kenshin's troop's and banners. I'm currently having trouble getting a hold of the Samurai books that I want and I've been going off a lot of unreliable sources. It's becoming noticeable as they often contradict one another.

Bought BAW today. Still have yet to read it through, but it looks like my 40x30mm bases will work out great for this rule set. More on that rule set later. Off for some more reading I go!
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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Samurai Miniture Games

Along with a lot of hard core studying of Kanji in preparation for my up coming Japanese proficiency test, I decided that it would be fun to create my own Japanese army - something I've been wanting to do for quite some time - form the 15th -16th century. That means samurai (or bushi)! All my friends play model with 25-30mm models for their games so I looked into getting some figs and the cheapest ones I could find were going to cost me a pretty penny just to get 3-4 units... Needless to say I found that I could buy enough models for 2 armies by using the 15mm scale. Hence, 15mm it is! But this site is what really tied me in to doing a smaller scale.
Samurai in 10mm
Pretty huh!

So here I am, trying to find a rules set that my friends and I can try. I really like the free Bushi rules that are available online, but they seem to lack depth... or... I just can't figure out the deployment system and I'm not a fan of the giving orders. But I love the "oneness" even if it is way too multiplier heavy. That's the good and the bad of it.

Battles in the Age of War (BAW) by Peter Pig, available at my local hobby shop for about $39. This rules set looks promising. Found some semi reviews here. But have yet to talk to anyone who owns it and plays it. Guess I need to do some more web browsing. Don't want to shovel out $40 for a game that is too complex for my friends to ever want to jump into. Then again, I could always mix and match. (^@^)

Tiko! rule set runs about $25. Seems that a few people like it but I have yet to see it in action.

Looks like I'm just going to have to go out and splurge. I know there are some people who play the BAW rules set at my local hobby shop, so perhaps I'll start their. Until then, I need to figure out how to paint my army.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Japanese TV

After returning from Japan I thought to myself, "Being able to watch Japanese TV on a regular basis would really help me to understand more." When I got home the first thing I did was google 'Japanese TV.' By doing that I found the greatest tool and it just so happens to be free.
It's called KeyHoleTV3.13. The video quality is a little bit better than youtube. Its good enough that you can make the screen larger and not feel like your looking at a bunch of talking squares. The frame rate can be slow at times and other times its not too bad.

Because KeyHoleTV streems live from Japan, there is no time time change. This means that when its night time here you're watching morning news/shows. Luckly for me, I enjoy the Japanese morning channels. Though, if you wanted to watch the night time shows get ready to pull an all nighter or wake up at the butt crack of dawn.

Also, KeyHoleTV has both TV and Raido stations and not all of them are consistantly avalible.

Find out more here: