Monday, March 30, 2009

Kurosawa, Akira: A Documentary

Today I watched Kurosawa: A Documentary on the Acclaimed Director. It took a quick look into the life of this amazing director. Many quotes from the documentary are based off his works and from Kurosawa's, "Something like an Autobiography." I'll have to read though that sometime. I noticed some of his works that I really wanted to see along with some amazing one's that I've already enjoyed.

Dreams (1990)
Rashomon (1950) - The film that brought him global recognition.
Drunken Angel
Ikiru - About a business man with cancer on his last days
Throne of Blood - based off Macbeth
Yojimbo (1961)- Was remade into the Western, A Fistful of Dollars
Red Beard

Those are just the ones that I haven't seen and that looked like good ones to watch. Yojimbo being one of the most intreguing, followed closely by Redbeard and Dreams. And I would love to see Kurosawa's Japanese re-write of Mcbeth. It just sounds so dramatic!

One of the most interesting parts was seeing his Suntory adds. They weren't the happy go lucky whisky adds that you may expect to see. Yet it wasn't particularly depressing ether.