Monday, December 8, 2008

Frag, "If it moves, shoot it"

Yet another great Steve Jackson game. This board game is a first person shooter computer game put onto a map with cards, figures, dice, and a little bit of chance. This game does a great job of simulating the computer by using cards - even allowing hacks! That’s right, there are special cards that allow you to “hack” into the computer and make your self see through walls or what not. Weapons spawn in specified locations, and when landing on a weapon space you take a card from the weapons deck.

It’s one hell of a good time. If you can get at least 2 other friends to play with, this game is a great way to go with a minimal amount of time spent learning rules (it helps to know how to divide though).
The game is 2-8 players, but I recommend having at least 3 people playing to avoid spending half your time running across the map to meet each other. Although, you could set up the map to work for 2 players, it would take some tweaking though.

Expansions add to the fun by introducing new maps, weapons, hacks, and rules for explosive barrels and what not. I’ve got all of ‘em except for the western setting called “Frag, Deadlands.” Good times ahead for anyone interested in spicing up their game nights.
New gold edition available @:

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