I started painting late last night. I spent a few hours thinking as to how I wanted to paint the entire army and then I remembered that I'm painting samurai and, for the most part, they didn't all wear armor of the same color. For this mounted samurai with Yari (spear) I went with enchanted blue with a purple wash. It didn't come out as I wanted. The next one I try will be with Iced Blue (sky blue) with the purple wash followed by a quick highlight and a gloss varnish. I hope this will work better for making blue armor.
I think I will base my army off of Uesugi Kenshin. Ultimately, I still need to do some research on Kenshin's troop's and banners. I'm currently having trouble getting a hold of the Samurai books that I want and I've been going off a lot of unreliable sources. It's becoming noticeable as they often contradict one another.
Bought BAW today. Still have yet to read it through, but it looks like my 40x30mm bases will work out great for this rule set. More on that rule set later. Off for some more reading I go!
Just got BAW today and after an initial skim, I think this is what I'm going to go for with my 10mm samurai. I'll still use Taiko! for 20mm skirmishes, but I really dig a lot about how BAW fuses together the various rules I've looked at in the past.
Only downside to this: I just finished basing my 10mm minis for Taiko!... Time to bust out the Xacto knife, I guess...
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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